

We have very good source of factories for woven, knit, jackets, sweater and lingerie items in Dhaka, Chittagong as well as other part of the countries. We have skilled and professional merchandising and technical team who all are keeping an eye on their clients. Making daily follow-up corresponding every moment to update the situation to the clients for their understanding. They take care of the goods in due course of time to ensure the highest quality level and ensure to deliver the goods on time.

Third party inspection

Max Asia BD conduct AQL inspection of woven, knit, sweater, Jacket and lingerie items as customers desires. Quality assurance is one of our core strength. Under any circumstance we don’t compromise with the quality against customer satisfaction. We provide the inspections report within 24 hours of the inspection with all necessary details. If any

 customer desires, Max Universe issue can issue inspection certificate to the vendors.

Social and compliance audit

Max Asia BD conduct social, technical and safety audit as customers required and deliver the report within 24 hours of the audit is done.